'You can find me up in the north, where once it was called Hibernia. I have a simple diet and the  flowers of  heather are  my favorite breakfast, lunch and dinner. I’m a bit shy but I don’t mind  being photographed.

In Irish  moorlands, people call me Lagopus lagopus hibernicus, but I think its easy if you call me Red grouse’.

Extract from  Diaries of a wild animal.
‘I live in Scandinavian forests where humans  can scarcely  find me. I’m not sociable and definitely  enjoy the solitude. Hunting is my daily routine and eating is my pleasure. I recognize I eat too much but it is necessary when you have to face cold and long winters. Some animals are scared  of me, they say I have bad temper. I am just  wild and I need to survive.

You can call me Gulu Gulo, or wolverine. And for those who know Latin, my name is also Glutton.

The mating season is coming and I better get pretty’.

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